New York New York Body Contour Dress: XXL (24-26-US, 28-30UK, 50-52-EU) Short (Above elbow) Knee (No seam split - Kick flare) Visible on garment (Right Side)

$210.00 each
Sleeve length
Dress length

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New York New York Body Contour Dress

The body contour dress is made using ‘Made in USA’ soft cotton jersey fabric. The high-quality medium (6.2 oz/square yd / 210 gsm) cotton jersey has a great stretch, it keeps its flexibility, and won’t get baggy.  You can keep it simple or add accessories to glam it up, that’s up to you :^)  You can choose sleeve and dress length and make the dress your own.

Sizes and Measurements


  • Feel
  • Weight
  • Pre-washed
  • Pattern
  • Detail
  • Material
  • Fabric manufacturer
  • Fabric origin
Light/Medium weight knit with cotton-like feel and it really works with our colour printed images.
6.2 oz/square yd (210 gsm)
Yes. All fabric is washed before we make your garment.
The detail in the print is sharp and looks really great.
The best thing of all, is that it is made in America, we absolutely love that, it makes us feel warm inside. This is a fantastic fabric for T-Shirts and leggings.
95% polyester, 5% spandex. Stretch 25% horizontal and vertical.
100% USA Made Modern Jersey. We checked with our supplier, you can be confident that you are buying something that was made by people with autonomy and free will.

New York New York Las Vegas

FRAMED New York New York


One of the most famous skylines in Las Vegas, perfect for a ‘Caller’ to deliver a message about the fragility of our planet.

The facade that Vegas uses to draw millions of tourists is so appealing, and an endless source of stories and inspiration.

Las Vegas is a living breathing lesson, to us all, about how to have fun. You are also challenged to grapple with what is real, and what truly, is not.

This is such a great visual source, it involves all the senses, with many different textures, lines, shapes, and colours. And there is nothing like hearing the screams and rumble coming from the cars on the beautiful curved rails of The Big Apple roller coaster.

Copyright Zoe Camper